Who Am I? “The definition of identity is who you are, the way you think about yourself, the way you are viewed by the world, and the characteristics that define you.” Yes, it’s crazy to think that sometimes we struggle to figure out our own identity. It depends on many factors like how
“Wait for the Lord, be of good cheer and let your heart be strengthened, and wait for the Lord” (Psalm 27) This period in our lives can be one of uncertainty and frequent wondering when certain events will come to pass. When will I finally decide on my career and major? When will I
My dear friend, I write to you for we both share a deep common desire to live a prayerful manner all the days of our life. Is it possible that in every work I do, I can simultaneously be praying? To that question, St. Paul answers us with a very confident YES!!! He teaches us
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 At the beginning of any school year, its always encouraged to set time aside to self evaluate, and set some goals that you
How many of us here look up to someone? Whether it be a famous individual, a family member, a political figure, or a church father, why is that we look up to them? What makes the most sense is that we admire the way that person is; that certain individual has qualities that we either
In our community probably all of you, if not most of you, have heard of the infamous “type system.” With what may seem like just a harmless “you’re so type one” joke or a warning of a group that is “kind of type two” actually causes a huge opposition to Christ’s work, and becomes an
“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials” -James 1:2 As Orthodox Christians, we are always being invited into a home of joy and gladness inside of the Church; our ancient church did not only survive years of martyrdom but was built on the blood of the martyrs. We are a
“And so, let us be glad and bear with patience everything the world throws at us, secure in the knowledge that it is then that we are most in the mind of God.” – St. Basil the Great As Christians, we are called to walk with faithfulness and patience daily. But what exactly does it
There is always that one sin everyone loves. Their favorite sin(s). There are also the sins that we think we will only commit this once because of circumstantial reasons. What is even worse is the time we cannot resist the sin, so we let it slip this once or twice or countless numbers of times.
There are many things that are out of our control in this world. We can’t control what the weather will be like tomorrow. We can’t control the car tailgating us while driving. We can’t control how others treat us. But what we can control is how we react and interact with the world around us.