What is the difference between God’s will and reaping what you sow? How can you possibly know when the will of God is leading your life vs. a consequence of the fruit of your crop. I think it honestly comes down to the amount of effort and the actions you put into your life. But what does sowing even mean in a modern day language or even in a Biblical term, because frankly I didn’t even know that was a Bible verse until I attended an OCCM community service event where that passage was discussed. How do I know when my motor vehicle accident is a result of God’s will or if I’m just reaping the consequences of my bad driving
Saint John Crystomom said in a beautiful contemplation of this verse “The one who sows with his body luxury, drunkenness and insane desires will reap what comes from these. And what is that? Punishment, vengeance, shame, ridicule and destruction…Consider now: If you sow merciful acts, heavenly habitations and eternal glory await you. If you sow love, a crown of honor waits for you—the blessings of angels and the athlete’s victory.” Question answered. Done. No but seriously St. John Cystomom spoke about it so eloquently and told us that our bad actions lead to God not preventing bad things from happening to you. They intertwine with each other. God’s will has a direct correlation with what you sow you reap. That is why the whole verse says “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” (Galatians 6:7). He knows what you do before you even do it.
It honestly makes sense in an earthly aspect. For instance, if you study a lot for an exam, the chances of you getting a good grade are much higher then you just skating by and hoping for the best. God will recognize your efforts and his will will hopefully permit you to get a good grade. But this philosophy is also present in morals and characteristics. If you showcase your love for others, people will recognize that and claim your energy and reciprocate that kindness back to you. Father Tadros Malalty says that we must sow the seed of life and not the seed of the flesh. This means we must sow the fruits of the Holy Spirit and not those of worldly desires. He says that to be a Christian we must not sell and buy but sow and reap, meaning we must not try to negotiate things for an easier way out but rather work hard in order to find ways to glorify God.
But what is one of the easiest ways to glorify God and truly see the harvest of what we reap? HMMM, what can it be??? Oh yes!! Through service. During this Bible Study where I learned that “you reap what you sow” is in fact a Bible verse and not something teachers just made up on the spot, a few of my peers said somethings that triggered the inspiration behind this article. In fact, they were the ones that opened my eyes to noticing that you reap what you sow is so evident in service. We live in a world of such instant gratification, we always wanted to be validated for our actions whether that be through a good grade, or verbally with a job well done. That is what draws people to the services like Sunday School and Alhan, the instant gratification of seeing that child has learned something from you, that you are bringing them closer to God. But if you are doing Sunday School only for that instant gratification of the title of being a servant, then you are not reaping traits that are desirable to God but rather you are buying and selling. I would say in order to truly reap a harvest that is beneficial to you, pick up a hidden service with your friends which may not be as abundant in servants, because you will get to serve with your friends, help a service in need of servants, and still see a service blossom.
God’s will is going to be so much clearer now that you understand that you sow what you reap. God will prevent bad things from happening to you if you continue to plant his seed and show people the Christian mindset. Obviously if it is truly His will to give you hardship it is only to make you stronger and for you to further understand His Love for you, because remember “ we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28). Fight the good fight man, and continue to plant seeds to Glorify God.